Welcome to our FAQ section. If you still have questions after reading these notes, feel free to contact us directly.

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For our weekend, we suggest loose and comfortable clothing for ease of movement and breathability. Opt for layers that can be easily adjusted to accommodate changes in temperature throughout the day. Fun and sexy outfits are great too!



All trainings offer snacks through the day and some include meals. Feel free to bring anything that will help maintain your energy through a full day.

Packing List

  1. A journal/notebook and pen
  2. A water bottle or tea/coffee mugs (must have a sealed lid).
  1. Any medications or supplements you need to take
  2. Sacred objects for the altar
  3. Special back support if required (Optional)
  4. (Hat and sunscreen)
  5. (Mosquito repellent)
  6. A sarong (more than 1 is better)
  7. If you wear contacts, bring glasses or extra pairs 



No. We will never ask your gender because it doesn’t matter. This training is for everyone. You’ll be invited to honor your boundaries and work with anyone in the space to your level of comfort. You’ll never be asked to violate your own boundaries.

No. Please organize your schedule to arrive on time and stay throughout. We aim to start by 9:30 AM and complete by 11 PM the last day.

This training assumes you have basic knowledge and practice with consent and boundaries. These concepts will be reviewed and we will dive into their deep layers.

You can have an amazing time either way. This is a voyage into yourself which works well alongside a partner. To be clear, partners are not required and you can come solo. If you do come with a partner, come expecting to do solo work and to participate with anyone in the space.

Still Have Questions?

Drop us a line if you still have questions.