About us

Darkstar Temple

Darkstar Temple was secretly formed in the northern California woods under the stars surrounded by bears and gold veins. The initial mission was to bring dark-masculine energy to transformational, ritualistic, and healing spaces. Our co-founders recruited seven other members; only a few are known publicly. Today, Darkstar Temple designs experiences and rituals in multiple countries, states, and cities for large groups and individual seekers looking for profound, lasting shifts in their world.

Aaron Mandelbaum

Aaron Mandelbaum is a unique voice and grounding presence on the path of transformation. Aaron has been researching, studying, practicing, and working in philosophy, transformation, and shamanism since the late 1900s. He holds a BA in Philosophy with a concentration in ontology, death, and sexual ethics and a master’s degree in business strategy. He has designed experiences, programs, courses, and training worldwide and continues to coach individuals, groups, and businesses. 

Aaron is facilitator at the International School of Temple Arts (2,100+ hours of training), founder of Darkstar Temple, and a core pillar at Temple Nova. 

He is trauma informed and has trained in conscious, shamanic, and therapeutic kink with international teachers. He has also been invited to speak and facilitate at international venues/events/retreats such as the East Coast Tantra Festival, Austin Tantra Festival, Toronto Tantra Festival, Taboo Festival, Liberation, The Art of Intimate Communication, Tierramor, and more.
